I am going to miss the familiar. I am going to miss our city. I am going to miss our friends. I am going to miss our farmers market with awesome produce. I am going to miss our shaded park, two blocks from our apartment. I am going to miss our neighbors and watching Sage play with their dog. I am going to miss the beach. I am going to miss Libby's italian ice. I am going to miss Pepe's Pizza.
I am ready to settle somewhere and live there longer than two or three years. Will we ever? And where will that be?
I leave you with a picture of a street full of cherry blossom trees, a street one block away.
Chunk, I have cherry trees, a park within walking distance and a dog. You can come visit me when you start to miss CT. I am excited that you will be within driving distance this summer with free babysitting! I love you.