Monday, April 02, 2007

This is the month.

The month that I post every. day.

Last night, Drew was working on his laptop on the couch and I leaned over and kissed his cheek. And he pushed me away while saying, "Get off me, I am in the middle of a sweet equation!"

And to a totally different topic. I want to meet my niece. I live 1200 miles away. This is the hard part about living so far from family. Missing out on the new, sweet babies. But, in reality, this is the hardest thing about being away from family. And it is surviveable, especially if someone, somewhere would post some pictures! (hint, hint) And how often do people have babies? This could be their last, I have no idea. My sister is done and my other brother is done so that leaves me and I will surely be around when I have more babies (and no that is not an announcement- I will make it perfectly clear when the time comes and no, I probably won't announce it on my blog for you to read, mom).


  1. I know. We thought of moving to California but I am going to be AT THE HOSPITAL in 2 weeks when Lily/Ava/Eva is born (no idea what her name is yet). You need to get back to Iowa!!!!!!! I know how hard it is to be away.

    p.s. When Carina was born I had to BEG for photos.

  2. Your poor mom!!!! I want to see picts of Sophia too!!!

    Sweet Equation - only a math person would enjoy that and understand his excitment.


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