Wednesday, April 18, 2007

This is getting hard

OH! I forgot! My friend Rach asked me about toddler beds and since I love to write and share my advice and what we did because obviously what we did was the best, here is how we moved Sage to a toddler bed.

Actually, we moved him to a twin bed because someone gave us one for free and my in-laws bought the mattress and we are cheap like that. Sage was not quite two when we moved him, like a month or two shy. I don't remember exactly. We made a big deal of having Papa set it up and I took him to buy sheets (plain sheets- how exciting), then we left it in his room for a little bit while he still slept in the crib and then one night BAM! we put him in the big boy bed. We told him to not get out or he woud get a spanking, he needed to yell MAMA! and I would come get him. I made him practice yelling MAMA! MAMA! and that was that. Later, we sneaked in and checked on him and marvelled at how big he was and he hasn't gone back. I did buy the railing thing. We struggled with getting him to not take out the metal bar that is only velcroed shut in there and use it as a microphone. One night, we decided to take the railing off because really, he could hurt himself with the stupid metal bar. Who was stupid enough to design this to seal it with velcro? Do they think toddlers are really that dumb? He didn't fall out. And I felt stupid for buying it. Then the next night, he fell out. And we put it back on. And I felt stupid for taking it off. And then, we got really smart, and took out the stupid metal bar that didn't seem to do anything. And, we haven't had any problems since. End of story.

He did start to get out of bed by himself and come to our room. And we were all, oh! this is so cute. We can hear his little feet running down the hallway. And we let him do it. Then we rearranged their room to fit Kolby's dresser in the boys room and not ours and he stopped getting out of bed by himself and started yelling for one of us to come get him.

The cutest, best thing happened the other morning. Both boys slept in their own beds ALL NIGHT! But that wasn't the cute part, the cute part was listening to them talk to each other over the monitor. Sage would give us a play by play. "Dada, Holby said good morning to me. Dada, Holby said hi to me!" And when we walked in, Sage was sitting in his bed and Kolby was up on his knees holding the crib bars. (A new trick by Kolby) And it hasn't happened since. They haven't both slept through the night again and haven't woken up together. Probably because when it happened, I thought it was so cute and great and thought, "Here it is, we are making the turn. Kolby is going to start sleeping all night until 7am." I jinxed it.

1 comment:

  1. That is what we did too. Curiousity.... do they go to bed together??? We struggled with ALly and Drew sleeping in the same room going and waking up. I am afraid to let them sleep together because they don't sleep!


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