Friday, April 13, 2007

# 201

This is my 201st post. Wow. That is a lot of writing. Amazing how much I can write about nothing. Except my nothing isn't as funny as Seinfeld nothing. Maybe instead of thinking of a title, I will just number my posts.

My best friend met Javon Walker of the Minnesota Vikings today at the Cheesecake Factory! That is how exciting my day has been, I feel the need to report that my best friend met someone famous or almost famous, since I had to google him!

Speaking of my best friend, I really miss her. We met in third grade at Bible camp and in 8th grade, we figured out we actually lived in the same city! Amazing. We were pretty inseperable after that. She went to the big, evil public school and I went to the private, Christian school so she would get dates for me to the dances! It never really worked exactly as planned, but we had fun anyway! My mom thought that she was a little wild. She was always bouncing around and so happy. She was/is fun to be around and always makes me laugh. The summer we were 14, we would go swimming and she started calling me Chunk because I was so skinny, it was just funny. I was the girl with knobby knees. Chunk has stuck, her whole family calls me Chunk, sometimes I wonder if they remember my real name! JK. People give her the strangest looks when they realize what she is calling me! She kept me out of a lot of trouble. We did a lot of driving around figuring out where people lived and who was hanging out at whose house. I love that she is still my best friend and that we can pick up the phone and our conversation is always easy, even if we haven't talked in a while. And even though our lives are in different places, me a stay at home mom, she a teacher, but we are both wives. And she is so smart! And her style is impeccable. Last time we were together we discovered we were envious of the others hair! I have always loved her gorgeous, long, thick brown hair and she has liked my blonde. When I am shopping, I try to think, what would Loopty buy? Man, I miss being around her all the time. Love ya, Loopty!


  1. Man - I love Caroline too!!! Isn't camp a great place to meet your bestest of friends! You were lucky to have yours live in the same city. Mine had to be hours away!

  2. Chunk (that's actually the title of your blog on my favorites list :) Love & hugs to our 4th K,

  3. Thanks Chunk, I love you too. I think it is time to return to Iowa.


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