In honor of my 300th post today, I am going to give you a list of 300 things about me. Just kidding. Only 100 things. Most people do this for their 100th post because it seems to make more sense that way, but hey, my way is fun too.
1. I am a natural blonde.
2. I always will be.
3. I get highlights (figure that out!)
4. I kind of want to go less light blonde, more natural.
5. I don’t make sense.
6. I graduated high school in a class of seven.
7. I am the youngest of four kids.
8. Mom says I am the “frosting on the cake.”
9. She was enjoying the cake, God decided it needed frosting.
10. She will deny that, kind of.
11. I have the best mom ever.
12. She loves Christ with her whole heart.
13. Don’t tell her, but I wouldn’t mind if I turned out like her.
14. I am a Midwesterner living on the East coast.
15. I want to move.
16. I have two boys.
17. I want more kids.
18. Sometimes, I want to be pregnant now.
19. But, more, I want everything in God’s timing.
20. I kind of want to adopt.
21. That kind of scares me.
22. I want to live in a city.
23. I don’t want to live in a suburb.
24. I live in a city and I like it.
25. I do wish we had a backyard.
26. But we have parks!
27. I still carry my almost 20 month old, 30 pound baby in a sling and the Ergo.
28. I am excited to use a sling more for my next baby.
29. I use Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers.
30. I love them.
31. I am excited to buy smalls for my next baby.
32. I nursed both my boys, Sage for nine months, Kolby almost 14 months.
33. I think next time it might be longer.
34. I kind of want twins.
35. I would want them to be identical but would take fraternal.
36. I don’t care if they are girls or boys.
37. I daydream.
38. Good and bad things.
39. I have to turn the bad things over to God.
40. My thoughts can really run away from me.
41. I am a consumer.
42. I don’t like it.
43. I struggle with being content.
44. With everything- what I look like, what I drive, what I wear, what my boys wear.
45. I have a great husband.
46. He is younger than me.
47. I wish he was home right now.
48. My favorite colors are pink, green, blue, black, and grey.
49. I wear mostly black and grey.
50. I tell myself that patterns and colors will go out of style.
51. I wear mostly plain colored shirts.
52. I branched out and bought two button down striped shirts.
53. If I could dress from only one catalog, it would be J.Crew.
54. Most of you thought I would say the Gap.
55. I can afford the Gap, when it is on sale.
56. I don’t like extreme weather.
57. And I like October to be about 50 – 60 degrees.
58. Actually, I think it should be 50 – 60 degrees everyday all year long.
59. I should live in the Northwest United States.
60. I probably never will.
61. This is hard.
62. And boring.
63. Do you really want to know this stuff?
64. I read “Confessions of a Jane Austin Addict” and it made me want to read all the Jane Austin books.
65. I have read “Pride and Prejudice”.
66. I have read half of “Sense and Sensibility”
67. I am going to re-read it and finish it.
68. I like to read.
69. I don’t watch tv, that much.
70. I used to be addicted to tv.
71. I watched Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, America’s Next Top Model, Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, The Bachelor and that probably isn’t the end of the list.
72. That was last year.
73. My husband is in grad school.
74. He isn’t home a lot of nights,
75. Hence the ridiculous amounts of tv.
76. Now, I read.
77. I tried to learn to knit.
78. I knitted one wash-cloth.
79. It’s yellow, and my favorite one.
80. It’s not very good.
81. I can’t remember how to cast on.
82. “Knitting For Dummies” doesn’t help me.
83. Does that mean I am more than a dummy?
84. In my mind, I am crafty.
85. In my mind, I can sew and knit.
86. In my mind, when I sing, it is pretty.
87. It isn’t.
88. I was in choir in high school.
89. They let anyone who signed up.
90. I argue with Drew that shopping is a hobby.
91. It probably is, but just not a good hobby.
92. I want to love Jesus more than anything.
93. Why is it so hard?
94. Living 1200 miles from family has made me grow (up).
95. It has been good.
96. Sometimes, I don’t want to move back.
97. Only sometimes.
98. I wash dishes 3 or 4 times a day.
99. Our dishwasher leaves sand and grime stuck to our dishes.
100.My best friend, Loopty, remembers details better than anyone I know. Like who my first kiss was.