Sunday, October 30, 2005

Correction and Admittal

Correction: Yesterday, Sage did not sleep in the afternoon. Bed time, he whined for 30 minutes, cried hard for five and fell asleep. I was up at 3 with him after letting him cry for 10 minutes then going in and comforting him and he cried for 10 more minutes. Have I ever mentioned that 10 minutes of crying is magical for Sage. If he cries for more than 10 minutes, chances are he isn't stopping but usually, right at 10 minutes he will stop. It is so weird and it is always at 8 minutes that I have to tell myself to be strong, give him 2 more minutes, it just might work.

Admittal: Did I mention the new noise machine that I had bought for Sage and set on the wind setting during all naps and bedtime instead of the fan? Today, we came home from church (a 5 minute drive) and Sage was cashed in the car, Drew got him out, he was asleep in his shoulder, I came in turned on said noise machine and Drew laid him down, Sage stood up and cried. We were perplexed. How could he be so tired and be so asleep and then so instantly awake. Drew went in to comfort him and immediatly Sage was asleep on his shoulder. Laid him down and was immediatly standing and screaming. A few more minutes passes and I say hey lets try turning off the noise machine. Drew goes in and turns it off and comforts, a few minutes of crying and then SILENCE for an hour and a half! Amazing! Now, I feel awful for having played said noise machine in the first place. But, we are crossing our fingers and hoping that we can continue the sleeping in silence. Crazy idea.

Now, to get through these night wakings... and have I mentioned my new idea to keep him dry at night? I use size 5 Huggies Overnights on him and then put a washable diaper on top of that. It worked last night so I hope it continues to work. Plan B is to buy every brand of diaper on the market and go with the one that works at night! I'll evaluate each brand if it works overnight or not. Exciting reading!

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