Sunday, August 30, 2009

Name That Photo Contest!

Leave your caption in the comments and I'll pick a winner on Monday. There will be some sort of prize... but I don't know what yet!


  1. Seemingly slipping South, Sage sleeps sideways soundly, (sometimes snoring softly.) SCARES SANDY!!

  2. rightbrained nonconformists takes a nap

  3. OK, so I don't have a caption, sorry I'm not imaginitive enough these days. :) But I do have a question: is Sage not starting kindergarten this year? You're not obsessed with it the way that everyone I know is (myself included), so I'm guessing you're waiting a year?

  4. snuggies. they now come in kid sizes too.

  5. Dangling, dremin', darling :)

  6. gretchen from lifenutMon Aug 31, 03:41:00 PM

    Man, I am not imaginative either!

    I just want to say I admire his sleeping skills, on the edge. It kind of looks like he was purposely blocking the ladder so little brother Kolby can't sneak up?

  7. I think Brad should have been the Winner! I laughed when I read SCARES SANDY...mine would have been descriptive/not creative - "Sideways Sleeping Silly Sage". Reminded me of Peter who slept in his sleeping bag on top of his neatly made bed so he wouldn't have to make the bed each day! Hope you're having a better Mommy day are a GREAT Mom!


Comments make my day and bring a smile to my face, so thanks!