Friday, August 14, 2009

All Better

The Lord heard your prayers and answered yes! Thank you friends.

Kolby is much better. Yesterday, he perked up a lot. Begging for cereal.

We're dealing with the other end, but I can manage that.

Except on my floor.

Or my pants.

But you don't really want to hear those stories.

Abrupt change of subject.

Remember my craziness? Well, we finished them.

Kolby ~ Sage

I plan to hang them in our dining room. It was a lot easier than I thought. Mothers Day Out and Sunday School have taught them well. I'm thinking this would be a fun project every summer. Then I could keep adding them to the wall. They're definitely cheap decorations!

I'm pretty proud of them.


  1. Praying for your trip and that all will be/go well!
    Tell the boys that Grandma will be asking all about those beautiful pictures they painted...
    Can't wait to hug you all,

  2. love it! love that they're getting better, love the pictures! love it!



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