Monday, October 15, 2007

Man of the House

Drew has taught Sage that when he isn't home, Sage is the MAN OF THE HOUSE (said is a low, growly voice).

His job? Kill bugs and therefore, protect his mother.

He has completely embraced being the Man of the House. We were reading books on the couch and I notcied a small bug crawling up the wall. I said "Sage, there's a bug, what are you supposed to do?" Without flinching or thinking twice, he reached out to grab and squash the bug. Unfortunately, his skills aren't as good as his fathers, because the little bugger scurried away behind the couch. He looked up at me, startled and said "Oh no, it got away!" And sometimes, he brings me small pieces of dirt and shows me the dead bug.

Yesterday, Drew took the boys to the park while I hosted a baby shower. At the park, Drew saw a professor and his wife, Drew was chatting with the wife and suddenly Sage ran up, hit her on the hip and yelled "Me just killed a bug on the slide, me the MAN OF THE HOUSE!" Of course, she didn't understand what he said and after Drew translated, Sage was brought back to apologize for hitting. She in turn gave him a high five for killing the bug.

This all started because one day I told Drew that I had killed a spider in our house all by myself. I took a picutre of the monster and then prepped myself by saying "You can do it, you are bigger, you can do it, you can do it", before I grabbed it in a paper towel and ran to the bathroom to flush it. I was scared to squash it because I didn't want to feel the sqaush in my fingers so I only grabbed it lightly and of course, it fell out on the floor in front of the bathroom. I screamed, waking Kolby from his nap, picked it up again and threw it in the toilet and flushed almost in one motion. I quickly closed the lid and hoped nothing would ever crawl back up for revenge.

Sage also likes to tell everyone "That when Sage and Daddy are gone, Holby is the Man of the House! And when Sage, Daddy, and Holby are gone, Mommy is the Man of the House!"

1 comment:

  1. this is so, so funny.
    Sage sounds SO precocious, from what you write about him. He seems to pick things up really, really quickly, then transfers them to his own frame of reference.

    I was just going to tell you it's been too long since you've posted pics of Sage and Bo. If you are not posting on your blog, email me some!

    p.s. have you checked Mike and Becky's blog lately? - Connor is adorable!



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