Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sometimes, I just don't know what to say

I don't have a cute story.

I don't have a cute picture.

I am not depressed or sad.

I am just here.

Living life. Getting through. Enjoying it. Just being.

Drew is in Rome, he left Saturday. Sage and I are using a red marker to cross out each day and there is a heart around Sunday when Sage will get to see him again.

And that is it. The boys and I are just exisiting. I am praying everyday for patience, help to not lose it, to keep our house running smoothly while dadda is away.

And again, I think, how in the world do single moms do it.

Sage has done and said some cute stuff. Kolby too. He just is cute. His little legs that carry him around the apartment. He drags bags of toys around with him while his tongue sticks out in concentration. He screams every time Sage tells him no, which is, approximately, every minute. Sage will tell Kolby not to breathe because it is bothering him. He cries in frustration when he falls or is bumped. Then they will be sweet and Sage will give Kolby a hug while simultaneously pulling him over.

I have a new approach to potty training. This is day #2. I set the alarm on my watch for every hour and 15 minutes and make Sage go to the bathroom. I realize that most of you are probably thinking duh! But, come on. He was doing so well that I started to ask instead of tell. And then he started wetting his pants. But, I can hardly remember to go to the bathroom myself, so I needed a reminder. It is going well so far. He did wet in his underwear this morning but I had started off every 2 hours and have since made it more frequent. I need to teach him the self-discipline to go to the bathroom.

This is #1,578 approach to potty training. We even went back to diapers for a couple days. But I decided he was too smart for that when he would say "Me just peeing in my diaper."

I am not worrying about #2 in the potty yet. Let's get #1 consistently in the potty and then we will go back to trying for #2. He will be potty trained in time for prom, I think.

Life is mundane. Life is good. Life is all about pee in the potty.


  1. when you figure out the pee in the potty let me know - because I am struggling here!!! School is good, home not so great and I HATE CLEANING POOP OUT OF UNDERWARE!!!

  2. i laugh and laugh and laugh about your potty training attempts. seriously. i have all but put the potty away for when she's 5. i'm tired of watching her squat in the corner and pee, then continue playing.

  3. I am right where you are with potty training! I have had all the same thoughts and frustrations! I hope it will get better for you! I will pray for patience and joy while Drew is away!

  4. You may be wondering who in the world is "broken yet grateful" - its me! Oh, that doesn't answer it?! Ok, it's Tasha. I am attempting the blog thing. I even thank you in my first post!! Anyway, I love your honesty as you approach life and kids. Thanks.


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