Thursday, September 13, 2007

Another Kolby Post

Kolby had a doctor appointment yesterday with his orthopedic doctor.

First, he had x-rays of his feet which I didn't know he was going to have. I had brought Sage with me thinking it was going to be an in and out type of appointment. As we walk into the x-ray room, Sage and Kolby both look around nervously. I had already prepped Sage that he wouldn't be able to stand next to mom and Kolby while they took pictures of Kolby's feet. As we walked in, I showed him where he would stand behind the window with the nurse. What I didn't prepare him or myself for was Kolby's fear. As soon as I set him down on the table, he started crying and wriggling. I could see Sage wringing his shirt behind me getting more and more nervous as Kolby continued to scream. I said "Sage, they aren't hurting Kolby, he is just scared." I turned back to Kolby and heard a wail behind me. The nurse helped with Sage and got him calmed down after I promised chocolate milk when this is all over. Kolby continued to scream and wriggle but the x-rays came out so we didn't have to redo anything.

First fiasco, over! Then, we waited in the examination room for probably 20 minutes. I read Tarzan about death and mean people to Sage who had many questions about why that ape is so sad and sleeping. Seriously, can Disney be any less kid friendly?

The PA walks in who is not our normal doctor. It ends up, he was in emergency surgery for many hours. We looked at his x-rays and his bones are all lining up perfectly, exactly how they are supposed to! Praise God! He said a couple of times, this is so different from 10 - 12 years ago. The correction is great and wonderful.

Our physical therapist has been wanting to get Kolby inserts for his shoes to help with his very flat foot. The PA suggested that is not something we want to do right now, as we don't want any hint of Kolby's foot to turn back in. I also asked about the type of shoe Kolby should be wearing right now and was told a shoe with a flat lace. Meaning that when you hold a pen in the middle on the bottom of the shoe all sides should be equal. We went to Stride Right today and got him New Balance size 6, extra wide running shoes. He had Converse size 4. Funny, they didn't seem small...

So, it was a good visit, he also got bigger shoes and a bigger bar. And our next visit is March 11, 2008. He'll be two. Isn't that crazy?


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