Wednesday, July 29, 2009

After Rain Adventure

After the rain, we decided to go on an adventure. Sage and Kolby decided rain jackets would be best to protect them from all drops.

Mom and Levi braved the weather.

We headed straight to the pond to feed the ducks and look for frogs and turtles. We'd never actually fed the ducks, but the fish and turtles appreciate us.

There were a few drops so I tried to protect Levi. He thought it was more fun to pull it off his head.

We started by not scaring away this lone duck. He ate the bread if it was placed right on the bench. Notice Kolby's flashlight (his left hand)? Just in case.

More ducks came.

And more. We were so excited. We had never fed one duck before! And there were four!

One turtle came to play. The ducks didn't let him get any bread. A few fish would jump up and get the bread too.

After this, my camera battery died.

We never saw any frogs.

We moved on to search for puddles.

We found some by the pool and more along the side of the street.

At first, Sage didn't appreciate the mud seeping into his crocs with the rain water.

But, he got more into it.

Jumping. And splashing.

Kolby preferred to step lightly.


I saw a huge crack of lightening.

We hurried home.



  1. what a fun adventure! 2 observations, though... that is one creepy glowing-eye turtle, and kolby has a flashlight while sage is... pretending to shoot the duck? your boys are marvelously cute!

  2. Totally noticed the same thing about Sage. Is he pointing or shooting? So funny. He's a Texan now.

  3. My kids think feeding ducks is just the greatest thing in the world! And you know, I kinda do too :)

    Glad the four of you had such a superb time!


  4. Thanks for sharing the adventure - so much fun!
    Love to all,

  5. remind me where you got your sling - i need to get one.


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