Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Dear Sage,

Today you turn 5! Happy Birthday buddy!

July 18, 2008, you accepted Jesus into your heart. I didn't write it down, I just kept that date tucked away in my heart. Four days after you turned four. I was getting ready for the day, you were sitting on our bed. You started asking about Jesus. And we ended up praying together. It was so sweet. I was ecstatic and called your dad. He was cautious. But time and time again, we've talked about having Jesus in your heart and you readily state that Jesus is in yours. Last Sunday, Miss Julie from Heartland pulled your dad aside and told him that you have a special gift and a heart for Jesus that makes her think you'll be a worship leader or a pastor. We pray you live passionately for Jesus.

Four has been a really fun year. You make jokes and understand jokes. You get sarcasm. You speak sarcasm. You finally understand my love language!

You're helpful. You're kind. You play well with others. Your hands must be clean at all times. A napkin to wipe them off will not suffice, it must be a wet wipe or wash cloth. But you eat your boogers.

Sage, I have joked with you that I don't want you to turn five. I have so enjoyed you being four. I like four. I can reason with four. Four understands when he isn't patient or kind or needs to control his anger or change his attitude. Four has been so good.

But, I am excited for five. I have great expectations for five. Four was good, five is going to be great.

I love you to the moon, back to earth, around the orbit, back to the moon and back.




  1. So very, very precious!

    Missing you today and praising God for all He has done, is doing, and will do in the future!

    Hugs and kisses to the Birthday Boy AND his wonderful Mama!


  2. Wow Happy Birthday Sage! I still remember Drew calling us in DC and letting us know the heir was here:) Hard to believe how quickly 5 years passes. Hope you guys have a great day!

  3. Happy Birthday Sage!!! I'm pretty sure that last line "I love you to the moon and the stars, etc..." has come out of Sage's mouth a few times on Sunday mornings except it was more like, "I love JESUS to the moon and the stars and back around..." He is SUCH a special boy and I never tire of hearing little things like, "Raise your hand if you're a Christian!!!" and "You have GOT to be KIDding me" every Sunday morning. And I know that just the other day, when praying before a meal, Mr. Joey said, "Good morning God, this is Your day, I am Your child, show me the way" just like we've been taught by Sage. Thank you for sharing your son with us, Kristy! I'm going to try not to cry too hard on Promotion Day-August 23rd when he and the rest of the kids graduate up to the Kindergarten class!

  4. happy birthday SAGE!!!
    you are wonderfully made.

  5. Happy, happy birthday, Sage! The Jones family loves you! You are such a great kid!

  6. What a sweet note for your sweet boy!
    Enjoy the day!

  7. happy birthday to you, and five WILL be great!


  8. I was thinking about you guys today. It is Bastille Day after all, and I only know one Bastille baby! Happy birthday, Sage!



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