Friday, July 17, 2009

Week Wrap Up

I am so glad today is Friday! And we have nothing on our agenda for the day. Sage requested the pool so after Levi naps this morning, we'll hit the pool, swim, have some lunch and then my favorite part of the day, naps!

This week, we participated in the Houston Project. Sunday, we got to the site at 3:30 to set up for a carnival. There were bounce houses, face painting, ring toss and other fun games. We got home at about 8:30 after we drove through McDonalds for cheeseburgers. And that began our horrible dinners for the week. Part of the Houston Project was serving dinner every night. Monday was corn dogs, chips and cookies. Tuesday was chicken nuggets, chips and cookies. Wednesday was hamburgers, chips and cookies. Thursday was pizza and cookies. There was fruit on the side too. My kids pretty much ate chips and cookies for dinner every night. The entree's weren't what they were used to.

Our site leaders have been in the process of adopting for quite awhile. A couple weeks ago, they got a call about a possible baby. They met with the birth parents and the grandparents. Nothing was decided or confirmed. Until Monday. And on Tuesday, they went to pick up their new little girl, 3 weeks old. We were ecstatic for them!

They had asked us to be co-site leaders. And we said sure. Thinking they would be there! Well, we jumped in for the week and God blessed our site. Everything ran so smoothly and flawlessly. It was so incredible to see the different parts of the body, the hands, the feet, the eyes, the mouth all work together for one purpose. Everyone that served was using their unique talents to serve the Lord and it showed this week. Seriously, Drew and I did nothing but walk around and talk to people. We really did nothing. Sometimes, I wondered why I was there!

But, it was all so tiring! We got home around 9 every night. And I tried to keep our days low key and make sure Kolby and Levi were taking good naps. And Sage was getting some rest time. But, it seemed like I wasn't getting any rest time!

Monday, we had a few errands to run. Target, HEB and Cinnabon (special breakfast treat for Sage's birthday on Tuesday). And then I had to make 4 dozen cookies. And fix breakfast and lunch and clean up. I seriously, didn't sit down until we got home that night.

Tuesday was Sage's birthday. So I tried to make it a little special. We had already celebrated with friends on Saturday. They came to swim and grill. We had 5 little boys (including our two) and it went really well. It was a lot of fun. We ate Cinnabon for breakfast and opened presents before Drew went to work. Sage got a fishing pole which was his number one requested item. Now he's patiently waiting for Saturday to go fishing with Drew. He also got a super cape and mask with his initial on the back. Kolby had won his for a poopy prize (which he should really relinquish but that's a different post) and they have been so cute playing super heros. I had bought them lunchables and told Sage we could go to the pool. So, it was a little bit of a special day.

Wednesday, they wanted to watch Bolt which Sage had gotten and Levi ended up taking a 2.5 hour morning nap so I mopped the floor. It doesn't look like I did anymore. Futile. Then I got an email saying there is usually a slide show on Thursday. That night, Drew taught me how to use Power Point to make a slide show. And that is what I spent most of the day Thursday doing. It was easy but time consuming. So the boys watched another movie. I even put Levi in his exercauser in front of a Praise Baby dvd. And I let myself off the hook for homemade cookies that night and bought them. While I was paying for them I realized why I make them. They're expensive.

And today, ah, I'm so glad it is Friday. And I'm looking forward to getting out of the house by myself tomorrow. Anyone want to join me?


  1. I'm ready to get out of the house too, may I join you!?!? :)

  2. Praising God that He got you through the week victoriously!
    I would love to join you as you get out of the house....soon!
    Love you,

  3. Busy week! Hopefully you got some rest yesterday and some good girl time at NKOTB last night!


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