Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Have you ever shoved a whole peep in your mouth so you don't get caught eating it by your toddler?

Man, I love those things. I don't know why I love the marshmellowy, sugary goodness, but they are so yummy I can eat a whole package in one sitting. My favorite way to eat them is to open them and let them sit out for about a day or a week until they harden.

Peeps are keeping me sane as I sneak off to eat 1 or 5, maybe I should go to Target to pick up some more...


  1. I just ate two packs yesterday! AND yes, I have done that!!!! Or told her that candy was medicine?!

  2. I think those things are nasty - you can eat mine for me!

  3. What about the purple ones?


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