Thursday, March 20, 2008

Special Night

Drew took Sage on a Special Night tonight. Sage's pick. McDonalds with a play place. Ronald loves to hear that.

Drew asked Sage "What can I do to be a better dad?"

Sage answers, "You can play with my cars with me. And drive me to Cubbies."

Drew, a little bit taken aback, laughs a little.

To which Sage replies, "I'm being silly aren't I?"

Isn't it amazing how much of an impact we have on our kids? All day, every day, I spend with them, and I wonder what impacts them? Do they remember that I pray before we eat? Do they notice if I don't read my Bible at the breakfast table? Do they notice if I spend more time on the computer than I do with them?

Sometimes, I think I am failing miserably. I spend too much time reading blogs, searching for new blogs to read, or browsing stores.

I used to have a rule, no internet when the kids are awake. I think I need to go back to that rule. I know I need to go back to that rule.

I don't want to realize as I am dropping them off at college that I missed their little years reading about other kids' little years.

Drew's going to start driving us to Cubbies too.


  1. "I don't want to realize as I am dropping them off at college that I missed their little years reading about other kids' little years."

    Bingo. This is one bad thing about the internet.

  2. Convicting and so right but what about days like today when my kids hardly nap or not at the same time :)


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