Friday, May 18, 2007

And We're Off!

Drew and I are leaving on a jet plane and taking a "second honeymoon". My mom is here to take care of the boys and I know she will take great care of them!

I already cried last night about leaving the boys but I know it is healthy for me to leave them and I know they will be great but man, I'm having a hard time! Kolby is helping to make me feel awful by only wanting me to hold him and such and oh yeah, I took him to the doctor on Tuesday and found out he has his third ear infection and his third bronchial infection. He is on amoxicillin and albueteral inhaler. I really need to research amoxicillin and ear infections. I am not convinced that I need to give him medicine for it but this wasn't the time to mess with it when I am going out of town.

Sage is so excited for us to leave. Mom has been here for a few days and he has demanded us to leave many times!

We are getting into our crazy time. Our trip this week, then when we get home, we have a couple of days turnaround until we move for the summer. So, yeah, I am feeling a bit unsettled and I can't imagine how my little babies are feeling and wondering what is going on. It should be an interesting few weeks and then summer!


  1. Oh wow- hope you have a wonderful time!


    Be sure to enter my really awesome giveaway going on from Mason & Matisse- you could win $120 in Skip Hop gear!

  2. where are you going???? Grandma Sandy will be great.

    Our new dr. rarely gives us antiboitics. He has done some steriods that have really helped open the lungs and clearly the bronchial stuff out fast!

    Have a great time - I wish I could switch spots, but with my honey not Drew!


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